Mines & Geosciences Bureau /King King/excellent compliance We applaud the following MGB-ROs not only for showing excellent compliance, but going above and beyond as Filipino citizens showing compassion for those in need:
Several MGB-ROs, as well as multiple mining companies have exhibited selflessness and generosity by donating domestic and health supplies as well as raising funds to give to the affected communities and frontliners in support to Republic Act No. 11469, otherwise known as the “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act”.
MGB RO XI – Apex Mining Co., Inc., Austral-Asia Mining Corp., Kingking Mining Corporation, and Napnapan Mineral Resources, Inc. were able to come together and utilize a total of 83.51% of the re-aligned SDMP funds (PHP 2,368,307.00) to host and neighboring barangays.