RE:RE:Vattenfall, LKAB and PYR linkNew try..
"Full-scale tests are currently under way to replace fossil oil with bio-oil in one of LKAB’s existing pellet plants in Malmberget, reducing emissions for the operation by 40 per cent during the test period, which will last until 2021. These tests are part of the pilot phase in HYBRIT, where the overarching goal is to be first in the world with a fossil-free value chain from mine, using fossil-free electricity and hydrogen, to finished steel product, thereby cutting Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions by ten per cent.
In addition to this, alternative fuels to heat the pellet process, based on fossil-free electricity and biofuels, have been tested on a pilot scale. These include hydrogen and plasma. The results are promising, but require further development before full-scale implementation is possible."