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King River Resources Ltd T.KRR.W

Primary Symbol: KRCLF

King River Resources Limited is an Australia-based exploration and mining company. The Company operates through two segments: ARC High Purity Alumina (HPA), and Exploration and Evaluation. ARC HPA Project segment develops the ARC HPA process and precursor compound to produce HPA. Exploration and Evaluation segment is engaged in exploration and evaluation activities of its gold projects in Australia. The Company’s projects include Rover East Project, Tennant Creek East Project, Barkly Project, Mt Remarkable Project and Kurundi Project. The Mt Remarkable Project is located 200km southwest of Kununurra in the East Kimberley, Western Australia and covers over 2,100 square kilometers of adjacent and/or nearby granted exploration licenses. The Tennant Creek Project is located to the East, Southeast and South of the rich historic goldfields of Tennant Creek comprising gold-copper exploration leases and applications measuring some 6,000 square kilometers.

OTCPK:KRCLF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by jjeerryyon Aug 05, 2020 10:03pm
Post# 31370455

back to the KRR bullboard

back to the KRR bullboardin cse anyone missed that.
Bullboard Posts