GrahamB wrote: FSD Financials
Hi all, took a look through the financials-not a great story in my view, but again, do your own DD and think for yourself.
In my view, it is pretty ugly, and I picked out Some highlights(or lowlights):
1.Current Assets are listed at 29 million, but it’s not that really.
They include the building for sale(not really current)prepaid expenses etc...
If you factor in the different expenses, you’re really looking 13-15 million.
Then again, it’s also called a balance sheet for a reason, and if you look at the expenses, this will drop down to around 6-7 million.
This is where it gets a bit more ugly. We all know, that the income statement, is really an statement of lossfor these guys, and guess what the comprehensive loss was for the quarter?
These guys are bleeding cash, there is a lot in this Financial statement that is concerning.
In case you think the board, and key personnel weren’t rewarded for this operational expertise-dont worry
Share options are 1,627,563
‘The Company paid expenses of $947,498 to a company owned by the CEO for the six months ended June
30, 2020”
And more...
Anyway, my thoughts only and do your own DD.
Can discuss these later
Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel (or maybe its an incoming train)
Good luck