EXPM:JGFCF - Post by User
Post by
KenoCityon Aug 10, 2020 2:15pm
Post# 31388590
Cards are on the table....
Cards are on the table....If I could analyze this as a game of poker.....
There are 5 cards on the table..... and three are turned...
Ace of Spades, King of Spades and 10 of spades....
I'm holding the Ace of Diamonds and the Queen of Spades....
We are waiting for the final two cards to be turned>>>>>>>
One ACE will give me three of a kind.
One spade will give me a flush....
Jack of Spades will give me a royal flush....
Two queens will give me a full house....
Two aces will give me four of a kind...
I still like my odds....
they could be turning two jokers as well.... LOL