RE:What is everyone's thoughts on FinancialsAll the companies financials are there for look see, but something tells me, you don't want that you just want the go go go to put down your bucks. So to spell it out for you ... Well if you want to know they messed up two Phase 2s, the latest was a slam dunk and was as near to certainty as could be possible and was a big surprise in the corrupt pharm sector (9 out of 10 """"experts""""" said this was going to get through). This company should be at least $20 pending $100 plus by now (let that sink in) that's why there’s so many orbiters hovering around now as they couldn't get in the first time. It's simple, you want to take the risk after the idiot management messed up not once, but TWICE (both time the same explanation was provided, and I quote "doesn't make sense errrr ehhhh" then silence) then do so.