This Is Why Gold Is the Best Money Gold has two major functions. 80% of it can be said to be used as a store of wealth.
That is 50% of it is Jewelry and 30% of in Bullion [ Gold coins and gold bars ].
[ Is this 80% not really all a form of bullion? ]
What are the other uses [20%]?
Dental, Medical, and Electronics in that order.
It is used in these industries because of gold’s unique and interesting properties.
I will elaborate on these in another posts.
~ The above is based on a pie chart by Forbes.
[ There are many different pie charts, but one has to start somewhere. ]
Following is a good short article about gold’s use as money.
For me, It is kind of an Alpha and Omega [Aristotle and Doug Casey].
With me it started with Aristotle, and ends up with my lifetime subscription advisor Doug Casey, who is in the same ideological flow-stream as me.
The article explains why Aristotle says that gold is the ideal money.
Casey says that Gold is the only asset that in not simultaneously someone else’s liability.
More about that some other day.
By the way, who are you talking to when you talking to RJ?
I posted the following in the ‘About Me’ section of the KL Bullboard.
About Me Quote:
My Giants: -
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) lead me to Ayn Rand (RIP).
Ayn Rand lead me to Andrew J. Galambos (RIP).
Andrew J. Galambos lead me to Jerome F. Smith (RIP) - The original ‘silver guru’ of the 80's.
Jerome F. Smith lead me to John Pugsley - The Stealth Investor Newsletter - (RIP March 2011).
John Pugsley lead me to Doug Casey - and all his publications.
Doug Casey lead me to Paul van Eeden.
Paul van Eeden lead me to
Rick Rule. -
All of these people are in the same ideological flow stream.
Andrew Galambos is the furthest advanced of all of them.
Adam Hamilton’s tools made applying Rick Rule’s methodology easier.
It would be better to call my campaign ‘applied ideology’ rather than speculating & investing.
"if the government is wrong in what it's doing, there must be a way for an individual to profit by betting against it." -- Jerome F. Smith
"if the government is wrong in what it's doing, there must be a way for an individual to profit by betting against it." -- Jerome F. Smith
"if the government is wrong in what it's doing, there must be a way for an individual to profit by betting against it." -- Jerome F. Smith
"If I have seen further than others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” ~ Sir Isaac Newton
End Quote. -
This Is Why Gold Is the Best Money ~ Doug Casey
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