RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:The new game changer..count down begins now 24:00Id love it if that was the case greenbud but I just don't think the drink market, or THCs capacity to produce is there yet. We haven't shipped to Ontario yet and Canopy, the worlds largest pot company only sold half a million dollars worth of drinks last quarter. 3M$ worth of bud would equal an amount of KISS that we could never hope to produce or sell in the short term which is why I was hoping for the sticks to get out. Even in mature markets like Colorado, drinks still only make up a tiny portion of cannabis sales. And KISS is almost dead last on BCs best seller list after other new entrants like everie's mango drink. I agree that the margins on KISS are likely awesome and its a good direction for the company to take but I sincerely doubt that KISS is going to propel us to greatness. I actually don't give a sh1t anymore. Miller is going to do what he's going to do and we will see the company's likely trajectory by years end. I'm sure he is doing the best he can and I'm in for the ride until Q1 2021 at which point I'm cashing in my chips and hopefully breaking even.