RE:Ramp up
Spectra has been on borrowed time for more than a year....each dilution to pay the excessive executive salaries makes the company a desirable bankruptcy patent fire sale target. Rather then spending their dollars aggressively rolling out a strategy to get actual sales they have been riding the down train extraction party. If you want to know what is going on at a company, cold call the former employees, I am sure they are all listed on linkedin I bet you will find out revealing details of why this languishes from incompetant management to other dirty secrets....ex employees make the best sources....the get to watch the incompetance from the inside. There is no way Spectra will come back from this....they have no plan, no capital, and to date no real earth changing product and no money to develop any more patents...they should do a blackberry and sell off a bunch of their patents make a royalty and start fresh.....Im not happy about losing my investment here but I strongly wish to warn others if they think they are going to get a quick pop on some day trading....there are better palces....IMO I wish SEV the best but they took my capital and squandered it