Goodbye!Hi gang!
Our adventure with Tostar has come to a close.
We showed admirable patience with Torstar.
We shared our thoughts on the company, and took comfort in our little community here.
We felt the excitement of the privatization process.
We learned from everything that went wrong. That is how learning works, I believe.
We learned that patience is not always the best route.
We learned that perhaps we should have discussed the bear case more.
We learned that we can have an active role in privatizations.
We have learned a lot more than what I have said above.
Whatever we have learned, whatever has happened, the fact that we are human means that we value relationships and connections. Torstar's value dropped, but our value to each other went up. Fork's complaining about the As and Bs, Media eviscerating the Torstar leaders, Don's calm analyses, my excessive optimism, Teddy's jabs, and techguru/extremerisk's bearish takes,Modulex's input, and anyone I missed, yes all of our voices made for a valuable community that increased in value every year.
For us to lose one another, would be the biggest loss of all, and we can avoid it. By staying connected we can continue to share thoughts, ideas, and other resources. We have greatly increased our wisdom.
Even if we lose contact with each other, we will always be united by our experience, by our trials and happy times felt together.
I imagine us gathered together on sunny day in a park, and a picture is taken. The moment is captured forever.
I love you guys!
(Current major investments: onex, gildan, shaw, bank of nova scotia.)