Prepare yourself for a huge selloff - most likely ZimtuRemember too that Zinc8 just announced yet another PP at 16 cents causing more dilution and thus depreciation of the stock price. This is a highly manipulated stock and the fundamentals are not in place for stock price appreciaton at this time. The company's management is derelict in their required reporting to investors and currently they do not have a working prototype. If you are buying and planning to hold long on this stock you will end up being a bagholder as the company has zero revenue projections not just near term but as far as the eye can see. All of the so-called contracts they hold are only for demonstration/testing purposes and they are not revenue generating. Some here would have you believe because they have signed these demo contracts that this will guarantee $10 SP in the long term. This is hogwash and pure paid pumper lies as none of the contracts signed so far say anything about revenue generation.
Do your due diligence and invest your money wisely.