Buffett news to ignite gold rally...because historically when influential gold buying makes headlines gold takes off:
March 29, 1993 London fix $331.60 March 30, 1993 London fix $334.40 - the biggest price increase since gold plunged to 10-year lows in mid-March was attributed to Jimmy Goldsmith and George Soros taking physical delivery of gold in their expiring gold options. Later, " News broke that Hungarian-born Soros had bought a 13.5% stake in North American gold producer Newmont Mining from Goldsmith, who in turn invested the proceeds in gold options" Los Angeles Times June 15,1993.
The gold rally peaked at $415.70 on August 2, after rallying 25% in 5 months. A similar move today would take gold prices to $2431 by January 2021.