Buy between .05-.075As rightly predicted last week that this co is going down before things starting looking up for it.
Since then it has fallen from .135 to .095 and this is not be all end all situation.
there are two options to consider:
1. keep holding and go all the way down to 52 week and then wait for it to bounce back, that's a 8-10 week cycle if there is no material change in the co with respect to litigation, debt management and contractual issues.
2. second is sell high and buy low later, that would money isn't stuck and is utilized in trading other good opportunities.
there are many other decent risk free plays currently in the market whether its oil sector, aviation, mining or mj sector.
zenabis is a speculative play only at 52 week low where downside is contained, else they are over 680 million shares floated currently and only a few million are enough to create those walls in order to slaughter the retail