US Yield following Japan .. zero to negativeThe days of US paying you a yield of 2% are over.. recorded as History.
You never going to see 2% ever again.
When Japan debt to gdp ratio was 150% ... their Yield can no longer go above 1%
When Japan debt to gdp ratio hits 180% .. the Yield can no longer stay above 1/2%
From 2016 to now in 2020 ... Japanese Yield are either near zero to negative.
You never going to see the japanese yield even going back to 1%
US are heading in the same direction as Japan... exactly identical
US national debt going to be $29-$30 trillion by year end .. it's heading towards $40-$45 trillion next year. You can calculate the rest
US debt to gdp ratio are heading the same direction as Japan.. which means you never going to see Yield normalize back to 2% ever again.. it's history.
You be lucky if you can still get a yield of 1/2% by end of this year.
The US yield are heading towards ZERO and NEGATIVE ...