RE:RE:Paladin’s overnight success took 19 yearsGud is not, was not and never will be Pladin. GUD started with a ton of cash and has failled so far. Paladin start with nearly zero cash and achieved unparallel success though when it sold it self the market in biotech was in a state of irreational exzuberance "over priced". The bottom visible reality to most investors is that the share price of GUD has been going down and in the opposite direction of the overall market. Therefore there must be material intangible facts that the overall market knows and does not like it. You cannot argue with the fact that when the share price of a company is going down is not and never will be a positice a sign of for most if not all investrors ecept for a few on this board. It is not a vote of confidence of MNGT like it or not. Therefore, as I argued before this MNGT team needs to change their mode of operandi yesterday or be replaced sooner than later . Why they do not get it is a mystery to me. Short sellers get it. Thus GUD has become the market maker with "buy back"
Sadly and regretably Meir is slowly being prove correct . I taught I would never say such.