Current market cap is a jokeWe are currently valued at ~$144 million CAD (~$108 million USD).
I have no idea what de Alba/Suresh/old government insiders/BOD have in mind for CGX going forward, but clearly no one is interesting in this company for whatever reason. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt if some of these overpaid folks actually purchased some shares on the open market instead of just being rewarded free warrants for doing nothing. Sigh.
I know we all love the idea that de Alba is negotiating on our behalf, but he is also working for Frontera and they have been absolutely crushed on the open market the past 6 months (way more than most other companies when a non-biased look is completed). For Frontera shareholders, he has been disastrous.
Either way, I hope we something soon.... .30-.60 cents/share or less than $500 mil market cap USD for billion barrel offshore prospects in the hottest basin the world is criminal.