RE:3 Day Squeeze ended yesterday - payout underway ?MUGMODs wrote: OK ... the 3 business days for squeeze-out was Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Now assuming we are in settlement mode - however long that takes.
Pretty well a done-deal now ... will have 100% ownership.
Maybe an update coming soon ?
"In accordance with the Notice, the BDR Holders will have three (3) days (“Deadline Squeeze-Out”) from the date hereof to elect to receive the final auction value of the Offer Price or the Alternative Offer Price, adjusted by the Selic Rate, calculated pro rata temporis from the Settlement Date until the date of deposit. Knight has the right to buy BDRs at the Alternative Offer Price from BDR Holders who fail to provide the necessary documents and information within the Deadline Squeeze-Out."
I am now looking for the point at which investment houses feel it's safe to start building a position. Is this enough to get them interested or do they need more proof? We'll know if the shares start to move ... but ... that could also be camouflaged by buybacks (tricky). The true measure will be listening to analysts to see when they start to get excited in write-up and on TV - but - they will probably purchase before they're willing to talk about it.
Problem is ... we don't know if/when investment houses grow the balls to start taking a real position. Do they need more proof? Do they need to see growth in the financials? No one wants to be too early to the party because fund managers cant show clients any earnings if they're in too early. We all know what that's like ... right ?
They may wait to see if the the minnow swallows the entire whale or if it spits up while eating. Maybe they wait for an indication of big new deals before they join the party.
No one knows ... but ... that's what we're waiting for - if/when it comes.
Will it be ...
Anytime now as investment houses get excited?
After a quarter or two to see growth and an efficiently run system?
After 6 months as some deals are announced?
After a year or two with Grupo ironed out and purring like a well oiled machine?
Place your bets ... it's anyone's guess.
Maybe I am old school .. I think the stock price increase will come with growth and EPS or earning ajusted per share. So the execution is the key. IMO