RE:BEVCANNA oooops Chimey blue a blood vessel hahaha change the subject??? You are the moth ball eaten loser that is not up to date. THIS IS BEVCANNA bb.
Try reallly super hard Chimey to come up to speed 2020, say hello to Bevy.
OH by the way another thing stocks go up and down, did ya know that?
After money south bound today and buying comes comes....get ready Chimey boy.....MONEY NORTH BOUND!! These are my best days and what is it I am cheering for the sp to go so I can double my position and you are still pi$$ed off.
AS a matter fact you need to get a bandaid for that blood vessel that just popped in your throat!! hhahah por b@stard lost money 3 yrs ago and he is still crying.
NO offence ladies but could you bring this guy a fuking Kleenex, he needs nurturing!!
hhaha get up to speed Chimey boy !!!! This idiot wants to talk about gym wear sales during a covid pandemic oh oh hahahaha lmfaso!!