Which one of you is Ludepower?The last sentence gives you away!
THC Kiss is a 10mg in a 30ml drink bottle. As far as I know there nothing like this on the market besides Tweed Deep Space 10mg 222ml. It started selling in BC last week and should be in Ontario soon. Packaging
The bottle is high quality glass to stabilize the contents I'm guessing. Looks like an ugly medicine bottle. Government really wants to scare people away with the labeling.
Took it in the morning empty stomach for maximum effect. 15 mins onset but I felt something right away. Probably last 90 mins.
It feels like a energetic sativa high with only 12% thc. Weak for heavy users and maybe I should drink 2 right away. For amateurs this would be just right.
Amazing taste. Taste like a healthy guava drink with a bit of milk texture and hint of thc. Dont need to refrigerate. Some ice and your good to go. I actually kinda wanted a little more. It was that tasty.
For $6+tax it ain't worth it. It should be half the price $2-$4 because I'll need to drink 2 of these.
This was my first drink and I'm impressed. There's a market for beverages for sure. If prices come down to the price of beers or these drinks are available at liquors stores and restaurants then WOW. This is a gamechanger.