O.T. - More about Northern DynastyBy the way, I had replied to a similar e-mail about Northern Dynasty, from Paul, two days ago, on Saturday.
Hopefully you may find it interesting.
The world is getting stranger and stranger.
Northern Dynasty.
Is it, or is it not, the largest copper, gold, silver, molybdenum deposit on the planet?
Also, coming to the surface, are its strategically important rare earth elements.
Was not this area given to the State of Alaska as explicitly zoned for mining development?
Northern Dynasty has passed, this month, the formal environmental impact study [EIS] by the Army Corp. of Engineers.
The federal Record of Decision (“ROD”) is expected any day.
More progress has been made in the last six months than in the last 20 years.
It is moving into the hands of the State of Alaska, which is starved for revenue and jobs.
So Brent Cook said it was a boondoggle.
Yes, many people have walked away from the project.
But I assumed they were just overcome by the blockage we are busting through.
Yes, this will cost billions of dollars to get operational.
Eighty miles of roads and pipelines must be built.
Port facilities must be built.
It is a huge project.
Yes, everyone is concerned about politics, but we have the official crossing of obstacles on our side now. This cannot be reversed.
The Alaskan Republican Party has officially endorsed the project.
Yes, the situation makes me nervous.
But what is the worst that can happen?
It can go to the back burner for a generation or two.
It will never be worthless.
We have C$46K invested in Northern Dynasty. It is our largest position.
So far it is a 3.37-bagger.
The certificate for 24,000 shares is setting in our heavy gauge steel safe.
I wonder why Brent considers it a boondoggle?
End Quote.