what a difference a week makesI really dont know where to start after reading a week of stockhouse comments O. K . lets get back to reality! I did not see this coming but there is a new team in place. They are a good team and I agree with Peter - should be voted in. They will take this company alot further with their connections.We are frozen right now - nothing will happen until they are voted into power. When that happens then there are several senarios. They like Felix ( so do I ) that will get lots of action.E S will likely get involved and that will lead to very heavy stock action . Hopefully the new team ends the IMG silence - that needs to be fixed ASAP!!!. Mergers? my bet is amex shallows us up first (if anything happens at all.) Maybe drilling options to the west and hopefully some legal action on IMG with regards to the Kintavar deal- one huge grey area. What I do know - Img is still drilling to the west and the southeast - probably a dozen new holes by now!! Alot is in the cards but now - more patience than ever is required. Vote these people in and I want to hear their plans during the AGM!!!! Meanwhile my hands are tied - but i am looking for the next VSR at 7 cents .I have acouple of great leads. If anyone cares to listen let me know .If I hear anything on VSR I will keep everyone informed . Once again this deposit will be huge --- in excess of 10 million ounces ( thanks to hole 157). In my wildest dreams the new team via sprott or whoever, takes out IMG" s interest and we control this beast 100% Cheers everyone stay thirsty