RE:RE:Sorry fellow investorsNirlops... care to add some context for the gone forever comment? How many times have you posted such a finite comment like it's tanked, its over, its done, etc. etc. etc.?
Long story short, it keeps coming back as news and progress is made. Its current price (or a bit lower) is where they should be and the last couple years of peaks have been from news and day traders.
Will this company ever take off? Theres no definite answer, because it could go either way. I honestly believe there's a greater chance of failure than success, but thats part of investing and accepting risk.
I think the vast majority of people are tired of your constant whining and howling like a child. This is ignoring the fact that you continue to pissand moan about something you've said you're out of or wouldnt touch with a 10ft stick for a year or more. You're either invested and think your pitiful notes on stockhouse with the abundance of major stockholders (sarcasm) will affect the price so you can day trade... or you've got some mental health issues and cant stay away from the board.
Either way, you're at least entertaining... kind of like walking through an asylum in a movie... we all like to look at the screwedup people wallow in their internal misery or watch them unaware of just how messed up they are. Its like a sideshow, but you dont know youre on the stage.