Do you think they will issue more stocks to raise capital?Curious about the correlation of net losses to market cap.
Because the stock price has dropped so much, it's not a 1:1 comparison. As cash levels raised from earlier stock issuances were higher than market cap today.
Looking at the annual statements, combined with 2020Q1 and Q2 Losses; Alefia has lost $75.73M in Net Losses since 2016 ($1.45M = 2016, $5.94M = 2017, $18.53M = 2018, $39.61M = 2019, $6.15M = 2020Q1, $4.05M = 2020Q2).
Their current cash position as of 2020Q2 is $57M. I'm just curious because if they issue more stock for cash, it will likely be at a discount.