It's a no-brainerthat quality, safety, consistency of strength and flavour in an edible form by licensed producers was going to be a winner. It is cannibalizing the smoking style products and the price and convenience of storefronts beats meeting your pothead dealer out behind the dumpster where he pulls your purchase out of his crotch. Edibles are value added and not likely to be attempted to the level that value added lps are by the underground. Finally, we are getting these forms of products on shelves in Canada and Canopy has clear intentions for their beverages. They rushed out some beverages in Canada that are growing sales because the style is a winning product despite the fact that they need to work on the flavour and strength. They have already shown their cards that they want to get these beverages into the US through a deal with Acreage Holdings who will soon be swallowed up by Canopy when we get the triggering event. I have noticed that brokers, bankers and investment advisors aren't waiting and starting to move their clients into greenrush stocks in anticipation of Fed descheduling or a favourable banking proposition getting the greenlight. Most investors in potpreneurs know what happened in Canada to shareprices of their favourite pot companies and it will be x10 in the States or better because they don't have plain wrapper packaging and restrictive posession laws of these products like the still have in Canada. JMHO but beverages are already moving towards the lead for rapid turnover consumables in the edible/drinkable line and historically they have always been highly profitable. I still think that the US greenrush could be arriving with or before the election for the US president and it seems it is on the ballott of 10 or 11 more States that want this new legal vice. Can you imagine the pent up demand for potpreneurs by investors in the US that have no banking, borrowing, brokering except by those willing to break bad. Spec money for anything related to pot is expensive like 60% plus finders fees because the banks won't touch it despite State protection. We saw the market bust in Feb and Mar and it is roaring right now because of Trump's re-election plan but we are going to see bust again because of the downdraft that is decimating certain industries like travel, airlines, professional sports, restauranteers and bars and other high covid potential businesses that are starting to shutter their businesses. All of the uncertainty will get the sheeples moving towards the exit but the Buffet types will be looking for the silver linings in the storm clouds. I see gold producers doing well and I also see money to be made in the US greenrush stocks, some of whom are already doing well, while the weaker ones will fade away or be swallowed up. All of those US greenbacks hot off the press could get devalued in the future and real gold is the safe haven for that event and a lot of those unemployed people will have the time to try marijuana edibles, which is already happening. I have been doing due diligence of US MSOs of late and Acreage Holdings is the chosen one by Canopy and is the biggest or 2nd biggest and financially backed which gives it a huge edge. Investors seem to have ignored Acreage and I see value at these levels. glta and dyodd