PUT UP OR SHUT UPTILT has been in the 30 to 40 k range for a long ,long time... most all the MSO's are hitting all time highs every Q...TILT scrapped most of it's cannabis plans ....MISTAKE , thats where the money is .TILT has been with me for a long time [ been in and out a few times ] it's now time for TILT to 'put up or shut up '..if not during record revenue for all the MSO's then when ?...Mr. Scatterday better get a grip on shareholder moral and interest or TILT will be fuken 12 cents....get moving ...I realize a good foundation is great , however , being able to keep the company moving forward with milestones ihas not been the case ....not even trading at 1x revenue means anything , no interest in a stand still revenue company....FUKEN TILT DO SOMETHING