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Abound Energy Inc C.ABND

Alternate Symbol(s):  ZAIRF

Abound Energy Inc, formerly Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc, specialize in providing energy storage solutions. The Company’s Zaeras Flow Battery technology uses zinc-air chemistry to store and deliver electricity on demand. It is utilizing its Zaeras technology, whether deployed independently or as a facilitative technology, presents opportunities for achieving peak demand reduction, capitalizing on time-of-use arbitrage, engaging in value stacking programs, and entering the distributed long-duration energy storage domain. Zaeras is distinctive in its inherent absence of fire or explosion hazards, sustained capacity preservation over its extensive lifecycle, and its versatility in independently managing charge and discharge operations. Zaeras energy storage capacity is solely dictated by the dimensions of the zinc storage tank. This characteristic yields a scalable solution, offering an alternative to the fixed power-to-energy ratio constraints associated with lithium-ion batteries.

CSE:ABND - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by bluehelmeton Sep 05, 2020 6:38pm
Post# 31515971

new from Zair website

Bullboard Posts