your rights your businessyour sharehoders agreement .
we have to get that famous convention between board and shareholders of nemaska
in our hands to be able to discuss our legal options on this forum .
Your Shareholders’ Agreement from article
The corporation’s directors sit on the Board of Directors, after being elected to their position by the shareholders.
did we elect mister mallette , did we really have a choice any way ? did we vote him and give him the mandate to give nmx away as director ? IQ perverted and hijacked the company s board and the due process . they will blame us for having chosen rotten directors .
it was our choice they will say .we voted them in office .lukashenko says the same .
did we have one really ?
did we vote for them ?
Tort Law :) ?
In common law jurisdictions, a tort is a civil wrong that unfairly causes
someone else to suffer loss or harm, resulting in legal liability
for the person who commits the tortious act.
Although crimes may be torts, the cause of legal action is not necessarily a crime,
as the harm may be due to negligence.