Confidence in HPQ Is really at an all-time high. I don't worry about the day to day at all. No amount of posts on this board will change the agenda and tactics of manipulators, but it's important that we continue to tell the true story here and call out the trash.
So that is what Bernard and HPQ have done. Put another absolutely crucial piece to this compelling narrative in print. Plain and simple. PYR has absolutely put their money where their mouth is. ya think PYR would invest, and at a 50% premium, in something they did not feel absolutely certain would succeed and give them a significant return on said investment?? Do we think Peter and PYR are in this to make big money or throw it away??? Not only that, in this particular instance they are betting on themselves!!! Not relying on another party! It's them! They are developing and delivering all of this!! And look at them! They are currently delivering on multiple fronts!! Crushing it.
I am beyond extatic to be pretty heavy into HPQ, with a moderate chunk of PYR. I have added to my HPQ in the last few months and I am as certain as you could be in this game that the days/weeks of buying HPQ at these prices will very soon be going the way of the Dodo bird. The narrative is just getting too compelling and too many huge milestones are literally right around the corner - Purevap, NDAs, samples, HPQ contracts, big PYR contracts - you name it, any one of these and HPQ goes up fast. A few of these in succession, we go exponential.
Long and strong fellas!