updateIt would appear that IMG has finished the summer program.Iunderstand they had 3 rigs drilling and finally got the job done quickly - nice to see. I would assume they drilled somehwere between 6000 - 8000 m ( three rigs could easily accomplish that). Now as far as where they drilled - here is my best guess. 3 - 5 holes to the southest offsetting hole 157 This is our best hole and it would make sence to see how far the deep high grade goes. 4 holes hopefully to at least 700m+ would eat up 3000m. They are on top of the feeder(conduit)pipe in this area. Once again RUMOUR has it that they touched the tip of the iceberg again ( does not surpise me at all) .I am looking for another hole 157 - only better and they had better not have ended in gold ore or they are definately playing games with us!! Whatever comes ,will only give us a huge indication of how valuable this deposit is going to become. To the west likely 5 - 6 holes - to define how much gold lies west of the lake and more importantly the distribution of the high grade ore shoots. There may even be a rank wildcat hole drilled into the eastern edge of the thickening excellent mag anomaly shown on the SUP map - all of which will be gamechangers - no question about that! Drilling out to the west would eat up another 3000+m. So it would be feasible that IMG likely drilled some 6500m+.
This entire summer program will add a huge amount of knowledge about Nelligan- and it's true value. Any success doubles the deposit - thats a given. And remember SUP is going to enhance the western edge of our claims.
I also understand that IMG is waiting for freezeup to start an even larger winter drilling program ( I just cannot believe that they will take us through that!!!!!)
Now we wait once again (probably for a while with re-caps that IMG likes to do ). HAVE PATIENCE - the real good results and associated information is coming!! stay thirsty