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Freegold Ventures Limited T.FVL

Alternate Symbol(s):  FGOVF

Freegold Ventures Limited is a Canada-based company focused on exploration in Alaska. The Company holds Golden Summit Gold Project near Fairbanks and Shorty Creek Copper-Gold Project near Livengood through leases. The Golden Summit Project is a road-accessible gold exploration project near Fairbanks, Alaska. The project comprises approximately 53 patented claims, 107 unpatented federal claims, and 244 State of Alaska claims that cover a total area of 6,110.4 hectares. The property includes Keystone Claims, Newsboy Claims, Tolovana Claims, Green Claims, Chatham Claims, Alaska Mental Health Trust Property, Alaska Mining and Development Property, Discovery Claims, and Cheechako Claims. The property includes three main rock units: Fairbanks Schist, Chatanika Terrane and intrusive rocks. The Shorty Creek Project is 120 kilometers northwest of Fairbanks, Alaska and four kilometers south of the all-weather paved Elliott Highway within the Livengood-Tolovana Mining District.

TSX:FVL - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by ggnewmex1on Sep 10, 2020 8:51pm
Post# 31540334

RE:RE:RE:RE:Somebody give Luvhorses a gold medal

RE:RE:RE:RE:Somebody give Luvhorses a gold medalHere is a thought...Kinross... what is the chance that Kinross may be a player ?? They are the company who will buy out FVL, right? We know, going back to CY 13 and 14, there is tremendous assays recorded. Perhaps part of the reason for delays is Kinross is pulling the strings?
Bullboard Posts