RE:RE:Q3rghalifax wrote: More time is required imho...I don't see anyone else running away with it and 2020 is a wash...2021 should show increasing profits with a wider array of products on the shelves.Ontario is increasing stores at a covid pace...they need another 1000 anyway and 2.0 products are just/still hitting the shelves...barely open for business really....and the action everywhere else in the stock market draws people away.A nice bottom line will bring them back right quick.Lotsa people have lost a lot of money on mj bets....not me...not yet anyway.BTW,a license to do human trials is pretty cool...not a lot of those floating around.Hang tight into 2021 and beyond imho...we're at the bottom,might as well wait
Totally agree. Technically we're at the lower boundary of the modestly ascending bottom of a consolidation pattern. There's a triple bottom in place ... the week of March 20 at $1.75, the week of July 24 at $1.95, and this week at $2.03 (so far, with 4 hrs to go). A nice 3-point trendline on my weekly chart.
Strong support in place. Long bases have a way of shedding weaker holders. Instead of a shake out during a sharper sell-off, the flat base shakeout is more of a slow grind. The weaker, less committed investors just get worn out by the indecisive, sideways action and eventually lose patience and sell.
The longer the base, the greater the space :)