RE:RE:RE:Investor or TraderAhhhh.....gone soft basher now eh? Hahaha. Buy the gap tomorrow bud. 25% of the float has a 4.50 average and another 30% is about to have an average way above that tomorrow and then the day after that! It will pause in the $15 range for a bit, shake some profit takers back to $10 and then boom, $25 by November1st.
Patienceiskee wrote: Each individual little store of a thousand square feet would have to have one of these units. I don't believe it's going to go sorry. If you have a thousand people in the store and alarm goes off and you clear the store out who's buying the products at the store the store owners don't care if you got called it. The best preventive maintenance is what we have to do wash your hands or a mask physically distance and hope for good luck. I guess that's what you'll be doing when you're by my shares at $5