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Renforth Resources Inc C.RFR

Alternate Symbol(s):  RFHRF

Renforth Resources Inc. (Renforth) is a Canada-based company that is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Canada. The Company wholly owns approximately 300 square kilometers (km2) Malartic metals Package (formerly called the Surimeau District Property), which hosts numerous areas of polymetallic and gold mineralization, each with various levels of exploration, as well as a certain amount of unexplored ground. In addition, Renforth wholly owns the Parbec Gold deposit, a surface gold deposit contiguous to the Canadian Malartic Mine property in Malartic, Quebec. Renforth also holds Nixon-Bartleman Property, which is located in West Timmins Mining Area, in the western part of the Porcupine Mining Camp. The Company owns Malartic West Property, which is located west of Renforth’s Parbec Property, contiguous to the Canadian Malartic Mine property. It also owns Bousquet property, which is located in the Quebec-Cadillac camp.

CSE:RFR - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by u2bobon Sep 14, 2020 11:52am
Post# 31552866

Nice ...

Nice ...

So here is the drill set up on the first hole....right beside our logging trailer! Core doesn’t have to go far. This hole will finish today and then it is east to hole #2

Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature

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