RE:♨️♨️♨️US Market Cap Valuations 🚀Here we COME ♨️♨️♨️ VBIGNumbers wrote:
valuations de la capitalisation boursire amricaine
MYID = 0,28 USD Fermer aujourd'hui V: MYID - KILLI LTD - | 13:59:48 HAE |
MYID - V | 5,0 | 0,185 | · | 0,19 | 101,0 | 0,185 | +0,12 | 184,6 | 10 658,1 | 1 591 | 1 258 | 0,075 0,20 0,075 | 0,125 0,01 | 13:42:51 | 10:49 |
Killi ajoute 25 millions de comptes en septembre
2020-09-15 10:49 HE - Communiqu de presse
Rapports de M. Andrew Elinesky
Killi Ltd. a ajout 25 millions de nouveaux comptes en septembre, aprs les 4,8 millions d'ajouts de comptes effectus en aot.
Les 25 millions de nouveaux comptes reprsentent une chelle supplmentaire pour l'cosystme Killi, qui rmunre les utilisateurs en espces pour l'utilisation de leurs donnes. Killi data est la premire partie et respecte toutes les nouvelles rglementations en matire de confidentialit, y compris la California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). La solution Killi rsout le foss pour les marques et les agences de mdias qui cherchent de plus en plus acheter des donnes conformes, car plus de contrle est plac sur l'endroit o les entreprises accdent leurs donnes.
Neil Sweeney, fondateur et PDG de Killi Ltd., explique: «Le march des donnes de plusieurs milliards de dollars se transforme rapidement pour supprimer toutes les donnes qui ne peuvent pas tre lies directement un consommateur. Si nous reconnaissons que toutes les donnes sont la manifestation numrique de l'homme l'identit et l'argent est gnr partir de cette vente de donnes, pourquoi les consommateurs ne sont-ils pas inclus dans la transaction? " Il poursuit: "Le but de Killi est de redistribuer la richesse aux citoyens ordinaires en fonction de ce qui leur revient de droit. Avec un taux de chmage de 10%, mme une petite redistribution d'argent peut faire une diffrence matrielle pour un consommateur."
Killi est actuellement disponible en ligne ou via iOS ou Android dans cinq pays (tats-Unis, Canada, Singapour, Australie et Nouvelle-Zlande), payant les utilisateurs chaque semaine tout en fournissant un rapport transparent qui dcrit les donnes achetes. Les utilisateurs sont pays en espces, ce qui fait de Killi la seule entreprise au monde compenser quitablement les utilisateurs pour l'achat de leurs donnes.
propos de Killi
Killi est un cosystme de protection de la vie prive des consommateurs qui vise redonner aux gens le contrle de leurs donnes. Killi permet aux consommateurs de reprendre le contrle de leurs donnes consommateurs auprs de ceux qui les ont collectes et les ont vendues leur insu. Disponible sur iOS, Android ainsi que sur le Web, Killi est disponible l'international. Avec Killi, les consommateurs peuvent s'inscrire et associer des informations personnelles spcifiques de divers comptes financiers et sociaux qu'ils souhaitent mettre sous leur contrle et partager avec des entreprises et tre rmunrs directement sous forme d'espces pour leur utilisation.
Nous cherchons Safe Harbor.
You should buy PAS
Pascal, SoRSE to work on advancing PAS-393
2020-09-14 08:58 ET - News Release
Dr. Patrick Gray reports
Pascal Biosciences Inc. and SoRSE Technology Corp. have entered into a collaborative research agreement to advance Pascal's PAS-393 into clinical testing. Pascal and SoRSE will share their respective technologies to test the cannabinoid PAS-393 in human volunteers, enabling testing of cancer patients treated with checkpoint inhibitors.
As initially announced last March, this partnership leverages SoRSE's industry-leading formulation technology with Pascal's proprietary cannabinoid programs for clinical trials. This will be the first pharmaceutical use of the novel formulation technology developed by SoRSE. The agreement will include Pascal's intellectual property, which covers the use of cannabinoids in cancer patients treated with checkpoint inhibitors.
SoRSE currently sells and licenses a proprietary water-soluble cannabinoid emulsion technology (patent pending) that enables increased bioavailability, accurate dosing and a more-than-12-month shelf stability. Pascal and SoRSE scientists will optimize a cannabinoid formulation for human subjects and will then test the formulated PAS-393 in volunteers. SoRSE will provide $750,000 (U.S.) in research financing to Pascal throughout the 15-month collaboration and will pay for related research expenditures.
Following characterization of safety and pharmacology in a phase 1a clinical trial, Pascal and SoRSE may elect to continue clinical development as equal partners in a phase 1b cancer trial in combination with a checkpoint inhibitor. Dr. Patrick Gray, chief executive officer of Pascal, will present scientific data this Sept. 16 at the third annual international cannabinoid-derived pharmaceutical conference occurring in Boston, Mass.; the topic of his presentation is "Identifying and validating mechanism of action in vivo/vitro."
"This is an impressive step forward for both Pascal and SoRSE, and hopefully our product will be a significant help to patients," commented Dr. Gray. "This will be the first clinical trial for each company, and we look forward to a long, fruitful relationship."
"At SoRSE, we're driven by our mission to help people better their lives through superior cannabinoid ingredients and delivery methods," said SoRSE chief executive officer Howard Lee. "We were thrilled when Pascal reached out to us in the summer of 2019 asking to use our emulsion in their research study on immune recognition markers on cancer cells. Today, we are excited to continue to support pharmaceutical studies of cannabinoids with Pascal and other world-class researchers."
SoRSE intends to collaborate with other researchers and product developers to study cannabinoids in other medical applications. Pascal will continue to pursue other non-cancer indications for PAS-393.
About Pascal Biosciences Inc.
Pascal is a biotechnology company targeting innovative therapies for serious diseases, including COVID-19. Pascal is also developing treatments for cancer with targeted therapies for acute lymphoblastic leukemia and cannabinoid-based therapeutics. Pascal's leading portfolio also comprises a small molecule therapeutic, PAS-403, that is advancing into clinical trials for the treatment of glioblastoma, and PAS-393, an immuno-stimulatory cannabinoid, to be used in combination with checkpoint inhibitor therapy.
About PAS-393
Pascal recently discovered the unique capacity of its cannabinoid drug, PAS-393, to reverse a common immune-evading strategy adopted by many metastatic cancers. Thus, treatment with PAS-393 may restore the ability of the immune system to recognize and eliminate cancer cells. This activity is especially important for immune checkpoint inhibitors, which depend upon immune recognition of cancer for their efficacy. Pascal is advancing PAS-393 as a combination therapy with checkpoint inhibitors for the 50 per cent or more of cancer patients not currently helped by the checkpoint inhibitors.