RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:damn - 3 dead at Platreef not good shares going to dumpI worked in construction for 30 years and I was the saftey director for the crew I was on. We had a safety meeting every Monday morning. During those 30 years, the company had 2 fatalities and a few severe injuries. The company did everything they could to promote safety, but accidents still happen. Sometimes it was from outside the company's control, for example people that did not even work for the company. People may make a bad decision, have a lapse in thinking about a dangerous situation, mechanical failures, weather, and the list is long. The deaths at Platreef are tragic, but Ivanhoe has a good safety record company wide, they care about people and their communities. Now you have fools like Pistoltuco who was all excited about Ivanhoe until a few days ago, then sold his shares and became a bashing troll posting idiotic statements. Same goes for Kabbir40, or others that will post nonsense, they don't have a clue.