Over the years of SEA.Price goes UP price goes down,BIGTIME for SEA over the years. So! Watching the charts of SEA will be and is already relative to TUD. I am not putting TUD up on a pedistal but noteing that SEA over the years has cemented its PPS via the NR-101s, by great expansion via the drillbit, by recieving vast loans and recieving highly investable status as a worthy mining prospect in the Golden TriAngle. Investment in SEA have put them on the PEDISTAL status of which they so deserve, today $25.51 PPS.
We are not entitled to expect PPS to reflect our (EMOTIONS) in the PPS,,,but we should expect REALITY from the market in PPS appraisal of market value presently as the MKT percieves its value. What Seabridge PPS tells us is tha so far Walter Storm/TUD has followed the rules of CSX, has drilled, has a future drilling program already forming for 2021. Today we are not on that pedistal which SEA is, but Walter Storm is working on that by taking the needed steps to PROVE OUT mineralization on the TC claimes. When we get proven maiden resources over the TC claims then we begin the LAUNCH up to the top of the PEDISTAL and Walter,Ken& Eric will then have gotten the process to where INVESTORs will be knocking on their DOORs and asking many questions and getting many positive answers from Walter,Ken & Eric. Keep your investment sanity and realize that these processes do have to unfold in timely and orderly fashion and our leaders are doing exactly that to ensure that these steps are taken in order. AIMHO!