still free to open debate on.
The harsh reality IS that it now IS almost 2 full years since the much hyped RTO__YOU were
predicting 10s of MILLIONS of ciggie sales back then__with virtually NOTHING to show for this time period__meaning that management sure could have and should have worked a LOT HARDER for us shareholders__and kept US better informed as to WHY so little progress has been made the past 2 years eh ???????
And INDEED waiting for any news on the HEMP Partnership annouced a bit over a year ago now HAS BEEN on my radar for the past 6 months now__like was the HEMP crop ever even planted this spring eh???__and if so it must have been harvested by now eh ????__so HOW LONG do we have to keep waiting for this Hemp NEWS eh???
Hey BringerOfNothing__YOU have ALWAYS Eagerly Waited for MY Commentary__so ONCE AGAIN I have to Indicate that I REMAIN Quite DisEnchanted by all the recent So Called NEWS.
For starters__WHY has Management decided to make INDIVIDUAL Applications for All the Provinces__instead of Applying for ALL of THEM at the SAME TIME eh ???
At this rate it likely could be over 6 MONTHS before they finally APPLY to ALL Provinces__so seems to be NO URGENCY with this by Management eh???
And Management talks about Expanding SALES__YEAH WHAT SALES__here we are almost 2 YEARS now since th RTO__with ONLY $7500 of SALES recorded on their Financials !!!!!!!!!!
Finally WHAT has Happened to the Saskatoon HEMP Farming eh ?????
ALL I see with all this is NOTHING MATERIAL happening any time soon which would actually generate some revenues.