RE:fall arrives, back to work 30% SP increase with 1.9 million shares traded today and we closed at the highest point of the day. It's the highest activity and share price appreciation in over three months. This is really great news and proves that Promis Neurosciences is capable and determined to deliver the "three-pronged approach to combat AD: Detect with blood-based biomarkers, treat with PMN310 and prevent with a vaccine." Hopefully tomorrow the SP continues to increase to pass the 50 and 200 day SP moving average. Then if they could follow up with some great news on covid neutralizing antibodies, that would be amazing.
M101 wrote:
Well now we know the news that has been holding up the financing beyond Goldstein's usual comfort zone. Welcome news indeed, but I sure hope there's more coming before he cuts the deal. This should be political, this is the health care equivalent of climate change so we should be able to wangle a real grant, something far more substantial than 3rd party research cost reimbursement for covid19 evolution modeling. Our consultants could actually earn their ridiculous pay package by getting us some real grants. Or conversely, if they can't, wtf do we pay them for.