Descending Day.... :( But.... :)1. IMHO
2. Long Investors who have done consistent Analysis on SZLS Ltd. know that this day is what we call opportunity. Opportunity to amass more Stake Via... Equity & Warrant. The ones who are happy with what they already have would love to see the share keep rising from $1 thus they fret. I don't disagree with them on that point with the stock rising but I don't fret because I was ready but HEY let's aquire more on the Dips. Its all about two things and not so much the price. You Believe or You Do Not Believe in SZLS Ltd. and it is that simple.
2. Positivity over time brings Positive Results. Negativity brings a shitty day....Everyday!! A negative investor wins a stock pick and is happy very briefly...A POSITIVE investor wins a stock investment and is CONSTANT
3. Eleven is my number and I believe SZLS Ltd. will hit that mark. This is my opinion because I like what I have learned and read about them since... some time way off in Space. I would love to se the SP hit 1111 oneday since that is my number / numbers [11 11] Down then R.S then uP then Down then ZigZag then Down/Up then Apollo 11 "In Time"
4. Interesting how Nov 11 is coming uP. This is open to speculation ha have fun!
Keep it Positive on Stockhouse and may half of your Investments Flurish to the great Heavens. The Half that you put the most money and Time in of course to understand, be Positive about the Company/Equity you discuss/own, Realization that companies Grow and Dang SZLS Ltd. is Growing like GROOT whether your privy right away to the info or not!
5. If you own Shares in SZLS Ltd. then this is your company so KEEP FACE. To the SZLS employees and management if your reading couldn't type that part with a straight face haha. So Employees and Management keep up the Valiant work related to the CAUSE.CANCER / Thank you for the help in regards to Covid and the long Hours spent to maintain some order/peace. I will support you and my other investments because I see the true outcome of such work and dedication. *Companies making a Difference*
6. Besides 11 11 2020.... Keep an eye out for 10 10 2020 because.... well Allegedly Positivity, Due Diligence and Communication allows me to say this. You might want to write this down....
7. Thanks for Reading. no need to rewind. Ciao