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Signal Gold Inc T.SGNL

Signal Gold Inc. is a Canada-based gold development company. The Company is engaged in advancing the wholly owned Goldboro Project in the Canadian mining jurisdiction of Nova Scotia. The Goldboro Project is an advanced exploration and gold development project located approximately 175 kilometers (km) northeast of the city of Halifax, 60 km southeast of the town of Antigonish, and 1.6 km north of the village of Goldboro, on the eastern shore of Isaac’s Harbour, in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Company has consolidated approximately 28,525 hectares (285 km2) of prospective exploration land in the Goldboro Gold District.

TSX:SGNL - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by linveston Sep 24, 2020 10:29am
Post# 31610956

Technical point

Technical pointToday we closed the July gap widely open betwen 0.45 & 0.49. Another gap is open between 0.41 & 0.435 that short sellers could try to reached. They could succeed
it gold resume is downward trend to 1800. Below that there is a resistance at 0.4.
Also if you look at trend since Mars 2020 current price has re-integrate the uptrend canal.

So it thing that the downside potential is very limited here.
Also anconda net value at this price level start to be very very appealing, so short sellers won't take the risk to push more.

Bullboard Posts