RE:How Many Batteries Does Tesla Intend to Produce A Year?Bosslady wrote: ......With More than Triple the Amount of Manganese formerly used!!! After watching the Tesla Battery Day youtube live stream the other night, I was trying to wrap my head around just how many more batteries that Tesla intends to produce every year...I think something like 3 Tera watts....with 1 Tera Watt being 120 times more than Giga Nevada Produced last year, times 3?
Consider that managanese in the former battery was only 10% of the equation, along with 10 % cobalt and 80% Nickel (811)
.....Now they will make a Battery with 66.7% Nickel and 33.3% Manganagese!!!...Wow! Cobalt has been Eliminated and even Nickel has been Reduced in total value! Manganese has now more than TRIPLED! And thats just in One Battery.....Multiply that by 3 Terawatts........Impressive!!!!
Investors should do very very well with EMM, 2021 will be the dayz of reckoning.