Price to SALEs RatioPrice to SALEs Ratio differs from Price to Earnings Ratio.
Until a company becomes cash flow positive investors can look at different ways to measure the success of a company. The Price-to-Sales Ratio is one such way to do this.
Link to Information on Price to Sales Ratio
One downside of Price to Sales Ratio is that it does not indicate if the company will be profitable in the future. This is when you need to circle back and consider the status of the company in regards to it's EBITDA positive status. HEXO disclosed in it's last earnings call that it expects to be EBITDA postive within Calendar Year 2020 or within 1st half of Fiscal Year 2021. 2021 Started August 1st 2020 for HEXO
HEXO has traded at a ratio as high as 244 for it's price to sales ratio (back in the day). The averages ratio is 58... it currently trades under 4. Upside on the stock can be viewed as being substantial from these levels (do the math).
HEXO Price to Sales-Ratio Data