Kubota Looking to Acquire Precession AgricultureSpoke to a few industry experts claiming Kubota wants to move more upscale with it's equipment and to improve it's overall positioning to better go head-to-head against the likes of Deere. One area Kubota alegedly has identified as sorely lacking is precesion agriculture (as in Kubota has very little in the way of capability and IP in-house while deere owns most of the IP in it's equipment). The thinking is that Kubota could be intersted in creating a new Precision Agriculture division that is created from acquiring players in the space and piecing them together. If this is true then one has to wonder if AJX would be a strong candidate to be acquired. It's technology that Kubota is after rather than distrubtion so AgLeader would likely be off their radar (not sure about Raven). I think it possible that Swift could also be a target amongst others. Maybe this is why we have yet to see an update on the court settlement... perhaps the situation has become more interesting.