To reduce or not to reduce your carbon tax bill This is why this 1 or 2 torch fake news item on this board is laughable.
Currently, company's across the globe are paying or about to be paying money for carbon taxes.
For the iron ore pelletization industry, along comes a now model proven technology that can allow you to keep more profits in your pocket for up front capital expendatures that will ultimately pay for themselves at a juncture curve. It isn't rocket science.
When the capital expense to carbon tax ratio is zeroed out, additional return to shareholder ensues as well as encourages further investment into a company
If you build it, they will come. So Governments put an onerous tax on corporations and private industry comes up with a innovative solution. This is the beauty of capitalism.
Induration companies A,B and C are interested in return to shareholder.., the modeling is over.. it works. Give me the product as I don't want to pay my Government another dime for carbon taxes.
Those advocating a 1 or 2 torch deal are two sandwiches short of a picnic.