RE:RE:RE:I'm now forced to put Jimmy and DrJay on ignoreDesole, j'habite au Quebec et je suis francophone.
Je te suggere DeepL pour la traduction (c'est mieux que Google translate).
sandysouci wrote: thank you Nemesis... rough translation = ...
Welcome Sandy!
There will only be good news from now on.
In Montreal, production of 4,000 tonnes per year will increase to 10,000 tonnes in early 2021 and it is highly likely that production capacity will also be installed in the United States (as suggested in the latest press release).
Production is almost 100% automated so the margins should be high ... as demand!
It is highly likely that supply agreements with leading multinationals will be announced by the end of the year.
P.-S. I did the same as you with the "Ignore"
Nemesis wrote: Bienvenue parmi nous Sandy !
Il n'y aura que des bonnes nouvelles a partir de maintenant.
A Montreal, la production de 4 000 tonnes par annee augmentera a 10 000 t au debut 2021 et il est fort probable qu'une capacite de production sera egalement installee aux Etats-Unis (comme le suggerait le dernier communique de presse).
La production est presque 100 % automatisee de sorte que les marges devraient etre elevees ... comme la demande !
Il est fort probable que des ententes d'approvisionnement avec des multinationales de premier plan soient annoncees d'ici la fin de l'annee.
P.-S. J'ai fait la meme chose que toi avec le "Ignore"
sandysouci wrote: but wondering, will there be anyone left on the board!!!???... lol...
guess I'll see...
I'm new shareholder of GRA as of yesterday at ~ $2.50...
this seems like a very interesting situation, I like the breakout, and it compliments my HPQ holdings nicely...