RE:Hey Peep!Goldbug52 wrote: Re: your comment "Guess who gave the commies nuclear
bombs. Yes the banksters and banksters' central banks. Ugh !!!!!",
maybe that's not so bad!
With MAD at least we're not at the mercy of the US which is one of the biggest
sh!t disturbers on the planet! The US is not so wonderful or benevolent as
many have been brainwashed to believe! Maybe the US is the lesser of two
evils, which is not saying much!
I don't think it's a good idea to leave the US outside a world constitutional UN nation
of nations, gov't. The US is becoming like hiitler's germany, and creating a world crisis
and mess making, that will see another world war. And then submission to a world
jeuss/marxist communism setup, I'm afraid to say.
'Albert Pike's 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars' me- But the good news in the article, that could possibly happen, because of the internet
now, ( who Tesla was the creator of ie ).
""The Good News (from first link above)
The good news is that just as the
printing press revealed the truth and brought about
the Renaissance and Reformation along with the gradual collapse of the evil control
of the corrupted Catholic Church,
so too now the Internet, which is the greatest
printing press the world has ever seen, is revealing the truth and bringing about a
New Renaissance and the Second Reformation. By revealing those behind this
"formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations
the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil"
the heads of the Illuminati based Freemason & Jesuit Gangs are exposed. We can
only hope that the people are indeed "obliged to defend themselves against the
world minority of revolutionaries" who seek to bring about the "Old" New World Order.
And we can only hope that the people will "exterminate those destroyers of civilization"
and implement a truly new "Novus Ordo Seclorum", the New Order of the Ages,
We the People are sovereign and no Pope, President, State or king is sovereign
over us. Where the government is our servant and where
? no mythical god
? demands
human sacrifice or slavery to benefit the elite."