What’s good for copper is also good for ESM!, We have over One billion lbs of copper which will be in big demand according to today's Globe article! At expected
$3.00usd ++/ lb that might become as important as the 7 mil oz of gold !
Karina Fernandez-Stark, an expert on global supply chains, has written a paper declaring “A New Age of Copper” for academic website VoXEu,
“The red metal conducts both heat and electricity, and is a key input for global manufacturing, electrical equipment, industrial machinery, and construction. China’s post-pandemic rebound has already translated into higher orders. In June 2020, China recorded the highest ever monthly imports of copper… [the] rise in demand is thanks in part to copper’s central role in the digital and green economy of the future. Clean energy is the fastest growing segment to support electrification, with solar panels and wind turbines requiring some 12 times more copper than previous generation methods (Copper Development Association 2020a). Further, electric vehicles use four times the amount of copper used in internal combustion engines (Glencore 2017). A Chinese national 5G network will require some 72,000 tons of copper (Mills 2020). COVID-19 has also brought copper to the forefront of the healthcare industry due to its antimicrobial properties, adding entirely new sources of demand (Copper Development Association 2020b)”