Earnings and the week aheadTH has a habit of waiting until towards the end of the reporting window for earnings. This is frustrating for us investors as we feel behind the curve in what is happening. I think there are a few reasons for the pre release of earnings guidance in September and waiting to the last possible day to fully release on Oct 15th. The pre release was likely an attempt by the finance team to meet the SEC deadline that the company will have to meet once they have been listed for a full year. It is also a good way to set expectations and get the bad news out of the way to clear a path for new messaging. It feels to me like the company was delaying setting am earnings date to give them the opportunity to gather and prepare some data or information. Could it be early Trogarzo numbers out of Europe? or an approval from the FDA on a Nash phase 3? or even some more data from Grinspoon? Who knows, but I feel this week will have a positive tone that dominates the past COVID strained quarter