Get ready!!!!!!!Nextleaf is coming out with 0.05 earnings per share
in this next financial Robust release we've all frantically been waiting for i salute everyone that had the guts to hold since day one this stock is 1.75$ as of patent number 6 but patents that were never tested in a new industry now nextleafs theory has been tested they've delayed and delayed and delayed but Paul kept that smerky smile on hes face and we finally heard from the cofounder Ryan ko in one of the videos on the website
I have a feeling we might be looking at an explosion NEXTLEAF SOLUTIONS Migth become a big player in the oil market like what canopy is to the flower side of things nextl won't settle and take a long time to Gros it's share price this will fly once they release number number around the cannabis market are horrible rigth now and for some company a path to profitability is still a couple years away and look at ridulous prices they trade NEXTLEAF WILL BE KING