RE:RE:RE:I’m hinting Asia sooner than later gets released!I totally agree with you for europe and other jurisdictions however not with China
The patent will not be fully respected
With China they will fast track and ride Horizons reputation and be first to market and let the cards fall where they may but it is too big to wait and with Horizon have unlimited resources to scale quicly including Chinese hemp supply.
Setti knows this and will move at light speed..very few really understand what Horizons importance is to TAAT $5Bil+ Co
And don't worry about Nevada..hemp is not in short suppy in N. America..this has been confirmed
Get em while they are cheap..get em while you can...The Chinese retail investment community is now buying TAAT....Don't wait til they're $40/share like beyond meat
It is over ladies and gentlemen it is over..mic drop